Wednesday 20 July 2011

Mr Fox and another photoshop attempt........

Copyright HKJ

Photoshop was on and I decided to have another play about with colour. Twice in one's unheard of.


Copyright HKJ

A photoshop attempt.....
If at first you don't succeed....try....try....AGAIN! 

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Random doodles of a giant human germ.....

Copyright HKJ

I am the giant human germ.
After about 8 weeks of ongoing ickiness, I managed to get worse last week and all creativity ground to a halt as I chose to lay groaning and winging instead of attempting to draw. With the improvement of my health I am really hoping to get back into the swing of things........we'll see :D Here's some random doodles anyway.

Sunday 3 July 2011

The week's drawings.......

 Everyone needs a break!!!!!!!!!!!!

Copyright HKJ

I've finally got round to a bit of drawing and blog updating after another week of being a giant coughing germ hotel.
Hopefully the germs will check out and this week will be more productive. Fingers crossed.