Saturday 19 November 2011

Grey with a splash of colour......

Copyright HKJ

Saturday 1 October 2011

No drawing and no excuses for it :(

Copyright HKJ

In an attempt to get back into the habit of drawing and therefore updating my blog, I've scanned some of the drawings that have been stagnating in my sketchbook for the last few months. I've also devised a new moto for myself to start drawing again......"GET OFF YOUR FAT BUM AND DRAW!!!!!!!!" Let's hope it works.

PLease excuse the hasty photoshop clean-up....If I'd spent much more time and effort on it, I would have most likely found an excuse not to do it at all.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Family First

Copyright HKJ

Drawing has ground to a halt the last few weeks....I'm not feeling overly bad about it though. Family always comes first and my parents travelled to the other side of the planet to visit us here in Wellington, NZ. It's been wonderful. I'll work doubly hard over the next few weeks.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Mr Fox and another photoshop attempt........

Copyright HKJ

Photoshop was on and I decided to have another play about with colour. Twice in one's unheard of.


Copyright HKJ

A photoshop attempt.....
If at first you don't succeed....try....try....AGAIN! 

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Random doodles of a giant human germ.....

Copyright HKJ

I am the giant human germ.
After about 8 weeks of ongoing ickiness, I managed to get worse last week and all creativity ground to a halt as I chose to lay groaning and winging instead of attempting to draw. With the improvement of my health I am really hoping to get back into the swing of things........we'll see :D Here's some random doodles anyway.

Sunday 3 July 2011

The week's drawings.......

 Everyone needs a break!!!!!!!!!!!!

Copyright HKJ

I've finally got round to a bit of drawing and blog updating after another week of being a giant coughing germ hotel.
Hopefully the germs will check out and this week will be more productive. Fingers crossed.