Monday 28 July 2014

Blog Move Home

To anyone who might ever stumble upon this blog…I have moved to a new spot on the inter web. If per chance you are interested you may find me and my nonsense at:


Sunday 23 March 2014

It's hard to think up titles!

Copyright HKJ

I've not found much time so far this year for my own drawing work :( but here are two I did find time for. One for my Friend Hitomi and another whilst dreaming of spring and summers arrival. Unfortunately the colour value is off in these uploads and they don't look as nice (too dark and drab)…I'll have to work that out!

This Year….in cakes :D

Copyright HKJ

Some of our cakes this year!!!!!!

Saturday 18 January 2014


 Copyright HKJ

A kendo charity event design I was lucky enough to be tasked with. The event raises money for macmillan and maggies cancer care.
I think this is the third ever kendo image I've done (all of which in the last year)... it's pretty shameful considering I've been doing kendo for nearly 8 years now (gosh) and it's a rather important fixture in my life.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Christmas....a little late.

Copyright HKJ
Here are my Christmas nice, one naughty. I'm a little bit late posting these, but better late than never isn't it????!

Friday 20 December 2013

Cake Time!!!!!!

Just a few of the more recent cakes we've made lately. Good fun!

Thursday 5 December 2013

BAF IDENT 2013 with the incredible JOANNA QUINN

YAY!!!!!!!A few months back I was extremely lucky to work on this Ident with the incredible Joanna Quinn again. This time was extra special as it was working on Jo's personal character "Beryl" (not Charmin bears ;D) and working from her amazing rough artwork....swoon.
It was both wonderful and very scary animating and in-betweening again....especially as Jo's work is so very beautiful and ridiculously three dimensional. When Jo handed me THE HAND scene to rough animate...I felt the blood drain from my face, I started to sweat, then came the shaking profusely and tears that I cried silently inside...the dog animation thankfully was far more straight forward. My mantra for the entire time was "don't balls this up, don't balls this up, whatever you do don't balls this up". I feel very privileged and proud to have been a part of this and had a fab time working for Jo back at the studio.

Here are some stills (Copyright Joanna Quinn/ BAF)

Here is the link to the video: